More important, now, than mere justice, impeachment holds the potential for the broad American public to learn details about this administration's practices. If the general mass public knew of the actions and motives of Cheney, Bush, et al, --even before the invasion of Iraq (How many of US know that the warrantless wiretapping was in place BEFORE 9-11?,
they would have marched on the White House and hung 'em from the trees out front long ago.
Though the vast majority of US citizens sense that the adminstration is wrong, and out of line, detailed knowledge of the treasonous actions are not commonly known. Even those of us who have diligently kept informed, only learned bits and pieces. The truth and depth of the corruption is probably beyond belief of even the most cynical of us.
Impeachment would overcome the Dem's efforts to "tread lightly until we have the Presidency." Impeachment would allow the criminal bits and treasonous pieces to come to light. Jefferson's "informed public" must become our goal, --if "we, the people" are to have any chance to fend off their next wave. Roberts' warning is another early ripple in the pond.
How much will it take, and how long before we, the people learn enough to regain our Republic?
It is the impeachment process itself that will finally turn the Dems, who will be compelled to respond to the mass public's outrage as they learn the details of this cabal's outrageous motives and actions. As impeachment unfolds in the House, as the public becomes increasingly informed, the people's energy will be too energized to stop. The Congress will have to hurray to get to the front of the parade, Presidential Directive, and the Patriot Act, not withstanding.
The big question of the moment is not, ...will impeachment ever happen (though a huge question it remains), but is all of this late but welcome light and energy too late? Remember, it is not just the current criminals in residence, but an entire system that has stolen our democracy. It is unrestrained capitalism that has rendered both Congress and elections "unrepresentative" of we, the people.
Impeachment, and an informed public, hold the potential for the survival of the Republic.